A skillset is taught for crisis intervention in the moment, along with crisis prevention as a goal beyond the moment, from teaching one about emotions to working with an intensive assessment (Quality of Mentoring Life Values Assessment) that identifies “lagging skills”* in relation to the eight, universally acknowledged quality of life values. Lagging Skills is the term defined by Ross Greene as “the unsolved problems relating to an individual and their social-emotional awareness and development.”
[*Greene, R. (2021) The Explosive Child, Sixth Edition. Harper.]
A Personal Teaching Planner is a mapping tool for planning, narrating, and navigating a course of Gentle Teaching. As with any teaching plan, we self-assess and reflect on our style and approaches to interactions, consider where the Individual is in their awareness and how our teaching and collaborative mentoring journey can best relate to the Individual’s intrinsic motivation (relating to meaning and value). With a PTP tool, we discover insights that expand perspectives and paradigms, allowing us to consider alternative choices and possibilities.