Ghent, Belgium is the destination for this year’s Gentle Teaching International Conference, September 17, 18, and 19. Quality of Life Institute, Inc. will be represented. Executive Director Dr. Anthony M. McCrovitz with Curriculum and Communications Coordinator Mara Hawks, will present The Relation in Support and Care: In The Direction of Gentle Teaching.
The relation dynamic is at the heart of a Gentle Teaching practice, cultivating relationships with others that accelerate awareness, generate transformation, and create a culture of hope.
With an understanding of how to use our tools (hands, eyes, words, presence) for creating mentoring steps that move us in the direction of Gentle Teaching, one can cultivate mindfulness for turning support and care toward relationship-building, with mutual benefits for each one’s discovery of potentials.
If there is no safety, there will be no learning. -Dr. John McGee, 1995
Learn how to map out mentoring steps with a Personal Teaching Planner that can be used for charting the course, incorporating elements of companionship and quality of life values.
The teacher-centered Personal Teaching Planner supports the mentoring role. The Planner is a template for constructing a Gentle Teaching framework, prompting self-reflection, valuing, and meaningful planning of priorities and goals, along with the formulation of practical dialogue for successfully integrating the learning processes.
Every framework of Gentle Teaching uses the same “materials”for building the relationship, but the content of value and meaning differs for each one, as this is based on the unique needs and goals for each Individual or group with whom we are mentoring a spirit of gentleness.